Tales of Illusion

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Terms & Conditions

  1. Ā Appearance of the artist with a magic show at the other members on behalf of the event on the agreed day of the event.
  2. The program to be presented and the length of the program are derived from the placed order or by previous arrangement.
  3. A cancellation of the order can be canceled 2 weeks before the scheduled date for free. From 2 weeks before the scheduled date, 50% of salary, as cancellation fees due. From 1 week before the scheduled date, 75% of salary, as cancellation fees due. If the event is canceled on the events day, the full fee will be charged (except for reasons of force majeure).
  4. In disease case the artist tries to find an equivalent replacement.
  5. The payment is made after invoicing by the artist. The amount will be paid after the show locally in cash or transferred to the bank account of the artist.
  6. Travel-, accommodation costs or similar expenses are not included in the agreed fee, and will be billed separately.
  7. For a dutiful taxation the fee and charges relating to the artist himself, will be borne the artist himself.
  8. The artist is not to VAT pursuant to Ā§ 19 para. 1 VAT and will not be charged.
  9. The organizer complies with the stage direction described below. Are essential requirements are not met, so the appearance does not take place and 100% of the agreed fee wll be charged.
  10. If music is used, the organizer is responsible for the proper payment of any applicable GEMA – fees (only for public appearances in Germany). A list of the musical pieces are used, will be send to the organizer, if he wishes to.
  11. For damage to the property of the artist, which are caused by the organizer or agents commissioned, the organizer is liable.
  12. The artist is free in the artistic design and presentation of his program.
  13. Both Parties undertake to prepare the event with due diligence, to ensure a smooth process. If the show of the artist will be delayed by more than 60 minutes, 10% of the agreed fee will be invoiced in addition. Phenomena which are preventing the show, does not exempt from paying the fee (excluded for reasons of force majeure).
  14. Non-alcoholic beverages (Coke, Fanta, Sprite, water and coffee) and a hot meal are free for the artist and his assistants
  15. The artist provides the organizer videos and photographic material in digital versions on request.
  16. In princible are photo and video recordings for private or internal purposes allowed, although the Copyright of the whole performance remains to the artist. For publications of the photos, videos or other recordings the permission of the artist must be obtained. The jurisdiction is Cologne.

Note: This is only a translation of the german Terms and Conditions. In case of dispute, the german Terms and Conditions and the german laws apply

stage directions


  • stage with at least about 20 square meters (5×4 meters / WxD)
  • from behind and the side not visible to the public
  • behind the artist may not be a reflecting surface (for example: window or mirror)
  • a clean preparation and dressing room near the stage. Not possible are: corridors, toilets, kitchens or similar places that are not suitable for changing clothes


  • One of the hall adjusted lighting system with at least 4 spotlights (1 blue, 1 red, 2 white)
  • For outdoor events that take place during the day, no lighting system is needed


  • One of the hall adjusted sound system with CD (must play back burned CD) or connection for MP3 – Player (stereo RCA)

The artist arrives about 2 hours on site before the event begins (for light settings and soundcheck).
